Clinique Vétérinaire St-Hubert
Veterinary structure in Beausoleil
7 avenue du Général de Gaulle, 06240 Beausoleil
04 93 41 86 87

Clinique Vétérinaire St-Hubert, blood and urine tests near Monaco

The Clinique St Hubert is equipped with various types of analyzers:

  • MS4Es for hematology (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets), which is completed by a manual reading of the formula
  • Catalyst IDEXX for biochemistry (kidney, liver, pancreas enzymes...) with SNAP reader (rapid tests for certain infectious diseases such as Leishmaniasis, Dyrofilariosis, Lyme disease, Borreliosis, giardiosis...), electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride). Potassium is very important for animals suffering from renal failure, diabetes, as well as for older cats.
  • V Check Kitvia for hormones (TSH, T4, progesterone, cortisole). T4 is a value to be checked systematically in older cats with frequent hyperthiroidism; in hypothiroid dogs, it's important to confirm the disease with TSH measurement, not just T4. Measurement of basal cortisol and after ACTH stimulation or braking with weak or strong cortisone enables the diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism, a common disease in older dogs, especially small ones, and hypoadrenocorticism (Addison's disease). This device also enables us to analyze DDimeri and fibrinogen for coagulation problems; measure PLI for pancreatitis in dogs and cats, and test for cardic disease (FTNL, FNT-PROBNP°).
  • Microdots for coagulation
  • Coprology
  • Citology
  • Hystopathology in partnership with LAPVSO
  • Allergology in partnership with Laboratoire Destaing for aeroallergens and Laboratoire Città di Torino for trophoallergens (food allergies).
  • Complete urinalysis of creatinine/urinary protein ratio predictive of early renal disease
  • Bacteriology in collaboration with IDEXX
blood and urine tests near Monaco

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