Clinique Vétérinaire St-Hubert
Veterinary structure in Beausoleil
7 avenue du Général de Gaulle, 06240 Beausoleil
04 93 41 86 87

Clinique Vétérinaire St-Hubert, general medical consultations near Monaco

What kind of care do you provide?

The most frequent consultations are for basic vaccinations (canine distemper, leptospirosis, Rubarth's hepatitis, parvovirosis, parainfluenza), rabies (compulsory when traveling; we advise you to find out well in advance about the procedures to follow if you're going abroad), or for certain infectious diseases (such as leishmaniasis, dirofilariosis, kennel cough) for dogs.

We'll help you with all your travel information and procedures (certificates, vaccinations, prevention, illnesses).

Remember to bring your pet's passport with you for all vaccinations and travel certificates.

And for cats CRP (Typhus and coryza), feline leucosis, rabies... Rabbits must also be vaccinated once a year in spring against Myxomatosis and viral Hemorrhagic disease. We offer a reminder service by e-mail or sms to remind you that it's time for your rabbit's vaccine or antiparasitic; and also to remind you to give him a new injection for arthritis or allergy.

 It's always best not to feed the animal on the day of vaccination, so that tests can be carried out if necessary. 

general medical consultation near Monaco

How does the consultation work?

Procedure for a general medical consultation near Monaco

During the consultation, the animal is auscultated, the mouth and especially the teeth, ears and eyes are checked, the claws are trimmed if necessary, the anal sacs are emptied, the abdomen is palpated, the mammary chains for females and the testicles for males are palpated, as well as the lymph nodes that can be explored; and the animal is weighed.

It's important for the owner to let us know of any changes in the dog's behavior, such as changes in appetite, stool consistency, thirst, lameness, lack of energy, fears or stress. Don't forget that a non-talking animal can't tell us if there's anything wrong.

The annual vaccination visit is a good opportunity to check his body condition: is he too fat? has he lost weight? check prevention against internal parasites (worms) and especially external parasites (fleas, ticks, mange, cheyletiella).

Even if you don't vaccinate, it's a good idea to have a consultation once a year: the vet can check your dog's health, the need for scaling, and the presence of any cysts or nodules that may have gone unnoticed.

A personalized assessment can be carried out

We can assist you with your pet's dietary needs (weight loss, weight gain, illness, allergies...); a personalized assessment is carried out during the visit, and together we can agree on the diet best suited to your pet, always taking into account your availability in terms of time and savings. Ready-to-eat food (croquettes, cans) is generally more practical and economical than home-made food, not to mention more suitable and complete.

Our team is trained to advise you on the prevention and treatment of parasitic diseases (fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, scabies, mycosis, roundworms, tapeworms, protozoos).

Here are the most common illnesses

  • Gastroenteric forms (vomiting, diarrhoea) are usually viral in origin, or due to bad eating habits or ingestions of unusual things, and more rarely infections. It's a good idea to bring along a stool sample for analysis, and not to feed the animal for 8 hours before the consultation, so that additional tests can be carried out, such as X-rays, ultrasounds, blood tests and stool analysis. Our veterinary school has trained us to carry out coprology to identify the types of intestinal parasites; often these are protozoos such as giardiosis, and dewormers are not active.
  • Respiratory illnesses manifest as coughing, wheezing, anorexia and breathing difficulties. It's important to have an X-ray; therapy varies according to the origin of the problem. When you leave your pet in a boarding kennel or entrust your dog to a dog sitter for walks with friends, remember to get the necessary vaccinations to prevent infectious diseases (especially kennel cough for dogs and leucosis for cats).
the most common diseases

Regular checks are necessary

It's also important to know if the animal has travelled, or when; certain diseases may be present in a territory but not in our region; being informed facilitates diagnosis and avoids wasting time, which can be negative for the animal. Even if an animal is in good health, it is always advisable and useful to have a complete check-up once a year, with analyses starting at the age of 7 or 8. For cats, it's important to check the kidneys and thyroid. Excess weight predisposes to diabetes and liver disease.

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